Platinum Bubba

Category: Weed
Genetics: Indica High Potency Cannabinoid Testing

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Platinum Bubba is a very uplifting high that has the ability to remove you from any foul moods or stressful thoughts and bring you to a place of complete euphoria and relaxation. We love this strain for its appetite stimulation and the ability to relax even the heaviest of stresses.  Anyone suffering from an eating disorder can find relief in Platinum Bubba as it will kick up your hunger and curb any nausea.  Those who suffer from mood disorders will notice an uptick in their mood and the pure moments of joy they experience as a result of just a couple hits will be priceless.  Platinum Bubba is a powerful sedative as well, ailments like insomnia or chronic pain will be a thing of the past and this strain is even more perfect for anyone who just loves a good strong, albeit goofy, high.