backwoods cigars , which were introduced in the U.S.A. in 1981, hit it off with cigar aficionados immediately. Called Wild and Mild these cigars were an instant success. The cigars have a sweet taste with a lovely aroma. They contain a perfect blend of natural and treated tobacco with a beautiful, mild taste. The cigars have a unique look to them as they have a tapered body which leads to a ragged end. This look makes it all the more appealing to cigar smokers looking for a new deal. These mild cigars are 4 1/8 inches in length and have a ring gauge of 27. These cigars have a naturally made Indonesian wrapper and come in packages of 5 cigars each. The product is a great deal for customers looking for a cost effective yet satisfying smoke, it s priced reasonably, has an easy draw, and is quick to light. With so many great qualities, Backwoods are perfect for people looking for a casual, everyday smoke. They also work well as gifts and at parties.
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